creations from the recent christmasy past.
the last time i really dedicated myself to a painting project was during christmas time when my
mother would not stop begging me for a portrait of my dad. she's been
hinting at the idea since long before the holidays, so i finally caved and made this teeny little piece for her. i entitled this work father carle. fitting, right? i think the end product came out relatively well considering i hadn't worked with the medium in over 6 months. i'm happy with it. i don't think my mother was too thrilled, though...probably because it's almost the polar opposite of what she wanted: large, canvas/wood, oil, happy fatherly subject...probably something more like the one i did of her in 2007 which is an oil painting on 2'x2' ply wood. [shown above...with unfinished eyes and poorly photographed :)]
it's sorta difficult for me to paint what other people want, [but might be a good challenge for me
:P] which makes my future as a commissioned artist look a little grim, huh? hehe. in the end she was understanding and fine with me working in watercolor, because she is fond of that type of paint, too. i guess it just wasn't as jolly as she would have preferred, but this is how i see my dad. the lightening is symbolic for his profession as an electrical engineer; not that clever of a concept, but amusing enough to is the expression on his face! he makes it when he's inebriated or sleepy. to the right is another photo of the painting with my dirty little fingers in there for scale. i did miss working with watercolor and am glad i got this piece in to mother carle on time and unframed, which is uncharacteristic for me! i love re-painting frames and making them my own tacky style. no time for this painting tho...but mom says she'll get her own. :)as another xmas gift i painted a plastic torso that was given to me by deanne and robin that they 
purchased at the mervyn's going outta business sale for $10. i immediately knew i *had* to paint it and ended up turning it into a gift for my brother. ideally, i would like him to paint the top portion of it! but who knows if he'll ever get around to that...i like to imagine this is what i looked like in the womb, but i can't confirm whether or not that's what my mother looked like when i was in the womb, though. i call her babicorn in paradise. i used spray paint for the background of the body and paint markers to create the unicorn fetus and birds of paradise.
jeez, it totally feels like a friday...i must be hanging out in the future again...! love when that happens.
the outlook is rosy and the future is bright~*!!
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